Introducing Our Theme

Access to information is rapidly becoming a global standard for the first time in history. This super-connected network of minds is accelerating the speed of human innovation. Nevertheless, changing environmental conditions are reaching a crisis point, and even large...

HOPES 22 % The HOPES team is currently working on this year’s conference, “HOPES 22 | Response”. Check BLOG for progress updates, conference dates and general information. Questions? Email us: Continue to...

Plan Ahead! Only 3 More Days!

With the schedule coming into place for the HOPES conference, start to plan ahead to attend as many events as you can! With a variety of speakers, there are presentations and panels for everyone to enjoy. Along side with listening to the speakers, enjoy time...

Two Weeks.

Spring has sprung, which means we’re just a few short weeks from the 21st annual HOPES conference. With the conference approaching ever nearer, it’s finally time to release our schedule. While the schedule is still subject to change, we’re pretty...

Michael Pawlyn & Biomimicry

With the list of speakers coming together for the HOPES conference, I have started to look into each speaker’s field and see what exactly they are known for. One person that caught my eye was the work done by Michael Pawlyn with biomimicry. Michael Pawlyn looks...