Call for Work
Call for Work
We are accepting:
papers, panels, creative presentations, critical examinations, musical performances, material culture, workshops, meditations, explorations, etc. on a wide variety of design, sustainability, and cultural themes.
Culture in capitalism is like an underground stream seeking emergence. HOPES 30 seeks RESURGENCE of culture, memory, and ways of knowing and being. We seek resurgence of communities, joy and purpose. Of resilience. HOPES (Holistic Options for Planet Earth Sustainability) is a 30 year project / annual conference led by students in the College of Design at University of Oregon. This conference is a unique platform for student-led curiosity.
HOPES 30 suggests that we have rich creative imagination close by and within reach. Let’s share food and understanding together in Lawrence Hall 10-12th April 2025, and weave a rich world of futures.

Join us 10-12 APR 2025

Interested in joining the RESURGENCE?
please include the following :
- Your name + title
- Additional collaborators, co-authors, or instructor mentors (if applicable)
- Which category you wish to participate in
- A 100 word minimum abstract or project proposal/ explanation
- Any photos of physical pieces of work
- Any questions
Student, professional, and faculty work welcome.